What Do You Do With Collared Greens?

 Another food post? Well, it is harvesting season. 

I've got a book in the works so I'll switch gears to talking about that soon, but even if you are in your pajamas, snuggled on the couch, reading a beautiful story with your loved ones, when a friend calls and invites you to come raid her garden before the coming freeze, you rush right over. 

We were given boxes full of produce in exchange for our labor cleaning out the garden and prepping it for freezing nights soon to come. One of those mysterious items to us was collared greens. Of course, when we don't know what to do with free food, we ask Professor Google. He gave us some ideas like creamed collards greens - yuck. But, then I saw a recipe that called for frying it up with some bacon and that gave me an idea.

One of my favorite Sunday brunch options is fried potatoes. I saute onions in olive oil until they are fully cooked, then add chopped potatoes and chopped bacon to the pan - they need about 8 minutes, turn, then another 8 minutes or so until they are crispy on the outside. Lastly, I toss chopped garlic into the mix and cook until I can really smell the garlic. Sometimes, I add chopped kale and/or spinach between the bacon and the garlic to make it a little bit healthier. Salt and pepper to taste along the way.

So, we took this basic idea and instead, we cut up and cooked some sausages, and some onions and red peppers, then fried the potatoes and chopped collared greens and lastly, we mixed it all together in a big fryer. It turned out pretty good. So, if you by your own gardening skills or by the abundant blessings of your gardening friends, find yourself with a load of collard greens, you now have one more idea to throw into the recipe mix. 

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