We Are Making God Jealous

 Today, I had a God moment. These are those little bits of time when I think I understand God.

It happened while I was searching for canning supplies. It has been a couple of years since I've done any significant canning, and we moved in that time so I have supplies in the basement and in the attic and I wasn't sure exactly what I had or where it was. So I was searching.

My plan was to take the kids to the apple orchard to get apples and then to spend the day making and canning applesauce and pie filling. First, I needed to collect the supplies so I would know if there was anything I needed to buy at the store.

I had tasked the children with carrying items up from the basement to the kitchen as I found them.

But, we have devices. And, those devices are ALWAYS calling out to us. Always saying look at me, listen to me, talk to me, pay attention to me.

So, when I called the children and they did not answer, I suspected that they had been drawn in by some sort of electronic distraction. It happens often. I am not surprised.

But, it is frustrating being ignored. It is frustrating to have children who do not come when they are called, who do not respond to the sound of my voice, who would choose to listen to the sound of the device over the sound of my call.

And, a part of me was angry. So angry I wanted to smash the device. I felt a jealousy in my heart that said these are my children whom I love and care for and this whole project is for their fun, their education, their health, and to feed them this winter. It is all for their good, but they are drawn in so easily by the THING that cares nothing for them.

This moment when I felt the jealousies of a loving parent who has eternal good in mind while the children bow before the imagined pleasures of a temporary idol.

That is the moment when just for a second I saw how God sees me, and I repented.


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